Writing is Good for Your Health

He's struggling now, but I bet he eventually gets something good out of his writing.

He’s struggling now, but I bet he eventually gets something good out of his writing.

I’ve always found writing to be enormously satisfying. There is something inside me that loves sharing ideas and feelings. Of course not everyone is this way. Some people enjoy their privacy, love their anonymity and are extremely careful about who they open up to. I respect that. The worst thing in the world is to pry somebody open, making them tell about something they really don’t want to expose. This can be stress-inducing and excruciating. I work hard to be respectful when somebody shares their deepest thoughts and feelings with me.

I think everybody has had the experience of unburdening with someone they trust. It can make us feel better. Now it turns out that sharing what you’re thinking by writing can lead to better health. Who knew? What does writing, whether it’s a journal, a blog, letters, stories, whatever, do for you? I’d love to know, but only if you want to share.

Read about the amazing health benefits of writing here:
